What if God’s Prophets were here on Earth today?
Firstly if anyone declares himself a True Prophet sent by
God in this time today, the first probable natural response will be that “You are
a False Prophet!”. This kind of response is only natural in this time today
when there are many rumours of the so-called “End of Time” and when the Bible
says there will appear many False Prophets who preach falseness which is only a
symbolism. But I tell you that the only time when you hear the phrase “False
Prophet” is when Man do not believe the Words of God and it doesn’t even matter
that the Prophet is a False Prophet or might be even a True Prophet. There is
no such thing as the term “Prophet”, which means “Messenger of God” who does
not deliver the messages of God. This would make the term “False Prophet” an
oxymoron. This false belief comes from the mouth of Man and Man only, no
Prophet can actually be False if he really delivers the Words of God. If he
delivers falseness, the term of Prophet will not be associated with him, he
will only be called a Liar and not a Prophet anymore. So you can see that the
term “False Prophet” is only a “sense of delusion in the mind” in Man and is
not actually a term use to describe a person.
When a True Prophet of God appears in this world today, he
would naturally want to spread the messages of God which it is revealed to him
in spirit, in meditation, in dreams or visions. He would seek to find efficient
ways to do so and it wouldn’t be difficult as in this period of time today when
technology is advanced and modes of communication is freely available to all.
Examples would be the Internet, ICQ, IRC, newsgroups and websites like this one
but he will be shut off. He might even publish a book or might be a well-known
preacher or a celebrity of the media, but it would be unlikely as the Character
traits of a True Prophet is that of the Righteous and whatever he speaks of or
thinks of is that of a righteous person, and in our world today such righteous
people are far and few to come, so it is likely that he will only have a very
small group of companions. He will go to places where he is greatly unwelcome,
he will face the same situation Jesus faced when he went around preaching the
Word of God, as the Anti-Christ have deluded the minds and hearts of many.
Naturally many many people will be quick to judge and disbelief him thinking
that he is against them when it fact, it is actually they who are
against him.
The people of the world would expect a True Prophet of God to be Christ-Like and Perfect but I can tell you that the Prophets of the past are never real close to Perfection as Jesus was, a Prophet is still made of flesh and blood and thus not free from Temptation like all Man, he has sinned and is prone to constant attacks of the angels of the Anti-Christ. But he shall have the knowledge and comfort that God is close to him and he has the gift of the Truth of God to share. The people will greatly dislike him and hurl insults and curses to him as they believe that he is of the Anti-Christ and label him as a “False Prophet” and shut their minds off to him but he will not give up until all man has heard what he has to say.
If Man shuts his ears to everything he hears, what can he actually hear? But as Jesus says in the Book of
Revelation, “Let he who has a ear, let him hear”. Is it the Will of God that allows only the righteous Man to listen to what the Prophet has to say?