My dreams and visions
22nd Jan 2003, Today I remembered a dream
that I had weeks ago. I saw the word “Hispanic” in that dream. At that time I
didn’t know what the word meant. The
word sounded so much like an adjective instead of a noun so I checked the
dictionary but couldn’t find anything so I dismissed it as just a strange
dream. But today I was reading a magazine and I saw the word again and I
immediately recalled the dream. It is actually the name of a group. I couldn’t
remember anything else except the word in that dream.
Today as on the 17th of January
2003, I had a vision that within 10 days from
today, death will occur to those who are eating beef and it’s similar
groups of meat. Premonitions are always to be applied, so it is never hoped
that they will occur.
Today as on the 17th of January
2003, I had a vision. I was looking at a newspaper and the date on it was a
Thursday on the 4th of August. I have checked out the year and 2005
and 2011 corresponds to the date. Whatever is going to happen on that day must
be important.
Today as on the 14th of January
2003, I have received visions of the contamination of water and a huge
Tsunami-like wave engulfing a ship.
It was about 2 weeks ago that I
received this vision. I was in a supermarket looking at various products and
after a while when I had finished looking around, I proceeded to the exit. I
saw a long line of people queuing up but they were without any shopping items.
Then I saw an opening in the air above me, in that opening I saw a baby being
born out of the shell of an egg. I was exclaiming “LOOK AT THAT HAND! ”
Today as on the 12/12/2002, I have received a
very clear message. I had a very clear vision in which man was polluting the
Sea of the Mind with his activities. Man was at the edge of the Sea of Mind
committing sexual activities with women. His ejaculate was spilling into the
Sea of Mind and polluting the clear waters. Women was his accomplice, helping
him to spill his ejaculate into the Sea of Mind with her bare hands. Man has
the gift of the Gonads, which is the source of Energy and the body’s
Spontaneousity of Life. It is a double-edged sword in which it can be used
either way, to benefit man or to bring about his downfall. The spontaneous
energy can be used to benefit by using it to create wonderful things or to
degrade man further through destructive activities. It is the choice of Man for
what he wants to do with it but the Law of Cause and Effect is ever present. Do
not try to hide from this Law, to “add or take away the words” of this warning
, for doing so, the Beast of Lust shall overcome you and consume you!
Today as on the 04/12/2002, I received a
vision as to watch the skies. In my vision, I was looking up towards the
North-East-North position but the huge telescope in my vision was pointing
towards the South-East-East position. Yes! I know there is going to be a solar
eclipse today but a vision is still a vision, I got it before it took place.